Friday, July 16, 2010

Guess who's back?

New template, new look, new determination to continue blogging perhaps?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's 31st January 2010

Great! (Note: It's suppose to come out as the angry kind of "great" and not the enthusiastic "great".) It's the 31st of January 2010, which means that we are at the end of the first month in 2010 and the second month starts in less than 24 hours time. How did time pass by so fast? In 2 weeks, we'll welcome the Year of the Tiger and go all lovey dovey on Valentine's Day. Then 2 weeks after that, we'll say goodbye to February 2010 and hello to March 2010. You get the drift?

I was just talking to a couple of my girlfriends a few hours ago about how time seriously flies by faster as you get older. It seemed not long ago that I celebrated Chinese New Year with my purple dress and now, I can hardly fit into it without taking deeeeeeeeeeep breaths. I'll have to either alter the dress or alter my body - I don't think I'd have to take a long time to make a decision here. Anyway, I was telling them how it was like when I did my undergrad - I felt like my life was measured in 2 bouts of 14 weeks (1 semester is roughly about 14 weeks, minus the midsem breaks and what nots). After 4.5 years of living like that, postgrad studies came along and I really don't know what to make of time passing just like that *snaps fingers* when you're doing research, writing and programming.

Here's something to think about: Did you feel that you took a really long time to reach the age of 21, and then after that the numbers of your age started to increase really fast beyond that point? It's as if time moved in the manner of an exponential growth after turning 21. I remember when I was 17, I thought 4 years was a hell of a blardy long time to hit 21 and now that I'm 26, well, how the hell did I get to 26 from 21 in the twinkling of an eye? Someone, explain to me please!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm back!

Oh dear, it's been awhile since the last entry. Got back from a weekend of shopping and fun on Sunday night and I have just left blogging aside! So much for wanting to keep this blog alive...

Well, just wanted to let the world know that I'm back, still alive and kicking. Yeah, "Hello World".

Next blog will be extremely long and interesting, I promise hope.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


...will be away for the next few days. Bye!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This Is What I Should Not Be Doing

I should be typing away the final additions to my thesis, but here I am typing into this box for a new post. I am forever finding all sorts of other things to do except to finish up this overdued thesis and some other bits of coding. Chatting, surfing other blogs, catching up with the latest goss of Hollywood celebrities, Facebooking, and when all that is done, I just google around for any other random stuff like er, Kate Middleton :P I should probably get the award "Procrastinator of the Century" or something.

Not much improvements since last month. I don't know what the hell am I doing. Oh wait, i do know. ARGH! I AM DOING EVERYTHING ELSE EXCEPT THE BLARDY THESIS!

I keep postponing my work. You know, tell myself that I’ll be damn hardworking tomorrow but the next day, it’s still gonna be the same old procrastinator finding more and more websites, blogs to read!!

And it's raining. Such a good weather to sleep in...

But, this thesis is too long overdue. I’ve gotta kick some ass and do SOMETHING about it!

Wish me luck. Smack me on the head or beat me up if you catch me commenting on your blogs. Go ahead. Really.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Yesterday's Entry in Images Sans Burnt Cow Dung

Anybody needs a HUMPBRELLA?


Hurry up! Oh wait, it's PURRRRR-Y UP!

Pemuda hari ini, sila beri perhatian. Tolong jangan hisap gam! Nanti macam Amy Winehouse Yucks.

Rain, Glue Sniffing and Burnt Cow Dung

The Gods of the Sky unleased their magnificent power and brought crazy torrential rain this afternoon. Of all times, I was driving. I haven't seen rain like that in awhile so today's rain got me a bit jittery. It was really difficult to make out the shape of other cars on the road. And the wipers were not much help. It has been raining almost every afternoon ever since 2010 started. A sign for the coming of a series of weird weather disasters? Ah, I'm reminded of that movie 2012 that stirred up much debate...will we see 22 December 2012? I say, YEAH!

Oh, back to the rain. I apologise for the digression. Some flooding at some low lying areas, especially at this new road that serves as a shortcut between two residential areas. I went really slow, it was like moving in a parade! This other car behind my myvi, a tall Harrier had no problem crossing through the waters. The driver must have felt that I was being such a t.u.r.t.l.e.

Gonna have to apologise again for another digression - this time, a totally unconnected issue >> I am suddenly reminded of this conversation between a friend and I regarding glue sniffing. What is it exactly inside that tin of glue that provides the "high" to its "sniffers"? Another friend of mine commented that some people love the smell of petrol whilst some others get their fix from smelling burnt cow dung. Another question, how did these addicts know that glue and burnt cow dung makes them happy?!

I know there are probably answers to those questions but at the moment, the slightest amount of research makes me sick and giddy and nauseous and ...yeah, you get the idea. So, would a kind soul please enlighten? Thanks in advance. :)

p.s. Masih ingatkah saudara saudari sekalian, masa peperiksaan SPM, tajuk karangan fakta selalunya tentang gejala-gejala sosial berunsur negatif yang mempengaruhi akhlak dan sahsiah di kalangan remaja? Errrr, what's glue sniffing in Bahasa? So much for wanting to launch into an entire paragraph about isu keruntuhan akhlak dan moral remaja saban hari ini in BM. Fail lah!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Best Thing That Happened on 4 January 1643

Wow, today is Isaac Newton's birthday! I think Google does a fantastic job in reminding the public of significant days like these. I am ashamed of myself - to think that I teach physics and badger my students so frequently about the three Newton laws, I had no idea that on this day in the year 1643, this great man was born!

Well, this certainly gives me something to write about for the theme "BEST" today :)

The best thing that happened three hundred and sixty seven years ago was the birth of Sir Isaac Newton. In Wikipedia, he is described as an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist and theologian who is perceived and considered by a substantial number of scholars and the general public as one of the most influential scientists in history.

In my opinion, not even the word "genius" can describe this man.

The three universal laws of motion or more like how I really drill these laws into my students' brains:
  • Law #1: A stationary object remains at rest and a moving object keeps moving unless an external force acts upon it.
  • Law #2: F = ma. That's it.
  • Law #3: For every action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction.
 And now, for every apple that I eat, I will think of Sir Isaac Newton.

I shall end this post with his humble words...

If I have seen it farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

*photo credits to

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Paddy Fields of Ubud, Bali

What I would give to be back there...

Love Love Love!

Just had to do this shout out - I HEART MY BLOG!

It just makes me happyyyyyyyy....:)

My First "Best" Blog Entry for January 2010

I racked my brains trying to think of a really catchy blog title with the word "best" in it. Even used Google! But, in the end, I decided to go with a simple title; more like, a standard title that a kid would use in essays back in primary school.

So, I thought it would be awesome to start the year with a resolution to take blogging seriously. And what better way than to join NaPloBoMo! It's basically signing up to post an entry every day for the whole month of January! To motivate myself further, I changed the website's template too. Thanks to Gisele Jaquenod whose designs are so cute and happy - my blog site makes me happy now! Haha!

I wasn't sure what to write about for this month's theme - BEST. I don't want to recount the best moments of 2009 simply because I'd need to kill many brain cells trying to recall every single bit of 2009 (now, this is where a daily entry of 2009 would really help!). I'll leave those best moments of 2009 for another day.

So, then I thought why not write about the best thing I've done today? Yea! Reconstruction of this blog and blogging this entry! Make that two best thingS huh? Cheerios!