The Gods of the Sky unleased their magnificent power and brought crazy torrential rain this afternoon. Of all times, I was driving. I haven't seen rain like that in awhile so today's rain got me a bit jittery. It was really difficult to make out the shape of other cars on the road. And the wipers were not much help. It has been raining almost every afternoon ever since 2010 started. A sign for the coming of a series of weird weather disasters? Ah, I'm reminded of that movie 2012 that stirred up much debate...will we see 22 December 2012? I say, YEAH!
Oh, back to the rain. I apologise for the digression. Some flooding at some low lying areas, especially at this new road that serves as a shortcut between two residential areas. I went really slow, it was like moving in a parade! This other car behind my myvi, a tall Harrier had no problem crossing through the waters. The driver must have felt that I was being such a t.u.r.t.l.e.
Gonna have to apologise again for another digression - this time, a totally unconnected issue >> I am suddenly reminded of this conversation between a friend and I regarding glue sniffing. What is it exactly inside that tin of glue that provides the "high" to its "sniffers"? Another friend of mine commented that some people love the smell of petrol whilst some others get their fix from smelling burnt cow dung. Another question, how did these addicts know that glue and burnt cow dung makes them happy?!
I know there are probably answers to those questions but at the moment, the slightest amount of research makes me sick and giddy and nauseous and ...yeah, you get the idea. So, would a kind soul please enlighten? Thanks in advance. :)
p.s. Masih ingatkah saudara saudari sekalian, masa peperiksaan SPM, tajuk karangan fakta selalunya tentang gejala-gejala sosial berunsur negatif yang mempengaruhi akhlak dan sahsiah di kalangan remaja? Errrr, what's glue sniffing in Bahasa? So much for wanting to launch into an entire paragraph about isu keruntuhan akhlak dan moral remaja saban hari ini in BM. Fail lah!
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