Friday, December 11, 2009

Halfway Through!

OMG! It's almost half way through the month of December. So, in about two weeks or so, we'll be hitting January 2010! Is it time for new resolutions? I guess so. I wonder how many keep to their resolutions cause I never keep mine! This year, I wanted to be more diligent with using body lotion but yeah, that Nivea bottle I bought looooooong time ago is still nowhere near empty.

When I sip my cup of coffee at Starbucks or bing!, I feel the Christmas mood. Maybe simply because of the Christmas deco, trees and songs...Will be spending Christmas elsewhere this year. I think if I were living in a country with the winter season around at this time of the year, I'd be in the Christmas mood already! But well, I live in an Asian country with rain and sunshine throughout the year. So I need to rely on the decos and songs for the mood to come by.

Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!!!

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